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Binic , the Grain of Beauty of the Côtes d'Armor

Binic is a charming marina. Our guests from the cirés jaunes will love it. A popular seaside resort for families who love to stroll around, it is located on the Goëlo coast. It is nicknamed "le grain de Beauté" or "la cité des embruns". It is now part of Etables sur Mer.

Port de Binic]

Binic and its fishing history

This town is closely linked to cod fishing in Newfoundland and Iceland. Along the Quai Jean Bart, admire the 18th-century shipowners' houses that bear witness to a prosperous town. In Etables-sur-Mer, you'll find some beautiful Belle Epoque villas on boulevard Legris.

The markets of Binic-Etables-sur-Mer

Come and fill your basket with fresh produce at the lively markets. Stroll between the stalls and discover the local specialities.

The beaches of Binic-Etables-sur-Mer

There are several fine sandy beaches for sunbathing and sand castles for the younger visitors. These include the Plage de l'Avant Port, Plage de la Banche, Plage du Moulin and Plage des Gobelins, with its pretty blue and white bathing cabins. These are beaches where families love to meet up.

Bathing cabins -Plage des Gobelins- EtablesS/M Plage du Moulin


Binic is a dynamic town. Every year, it organises several festivals: Binic FolksBlues, the Marionne'Ic festival, grain d'pirate and many others. Visit Binic Tourist Office

Our favourite spots in Binic

  • From the end of the jetty, the Penthièvre lighthouse that guides yachtsmen with its green dome. In the distance, you can see the bay of Saint-Brieuc**, boats going in and out of the marina, waves lapping on the jetty and seagulls laughing.
  • A short stroll through the lock that separates 2 harbours, one in the water and the other dry at low tide.
  • Pointe de la Rognouse offers a panoramic view of the Bay of Saint-Brieuc and Cape Fréhel.
  • If the weather is fine, a cruise on Olivier's catamaran in the Bay of Saint Brieuc to discover the coastline from the sea is a must.

a digue de Binic

Cruise on a catamaran in Binic](/uploads/Foto_Jet_33_da6fad2f01.jpg)

Linger along the Quai Jean Bart

There are several restaurants along the quay, I recommend you book a table at weekends and in summer!

Family holidays near Binic

Book your stay at cirés jaunes. For our guests who love the countryside, La M.d'Amandine is a relaxing stopover between countryside and seaside. An ideal stopover for families in search of simple happiness. From Kerégal to Binic: 15 minutes

Gîte la maison d'Amandine FotoJet (3).jpg